Skid Mounted Pressure Washer Units
Our skid mount units provide slide-in mobile cleaning. These units are designed to fit into most standard-sized commercial vehicles making them extremely versatile. Work with McHenry to find the perfect skit-mount that has all the power you need and holds all the water you could want.
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McHenry's skid mounted units offer water tank capacities of 125 to 325 gallons and can be set up with either cold or hot water pressure units. When you're finished using one of these units, simply slide it out and your vehicle will be ready for regular service again. Contact us today for help finding the right truck mounted pressure washer system.
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Skid Mounted Watering Units
Do you need to water plants, provide dust control or rinse down areas? A McHenry PCS watering skid unit may be the perfect solution. Our custom-built skids offer mobile ability with a slide-in/lift-in design. Tank sizes can range from 125 gallons up to 500 gallons. Commercially rated water transfer pumps offer high flow delivery to get the water where you need it. A hose reel with properly sized and length hose round out the package. Units are designed to fit in regular pick-up, flat bed or trailer. McHenry PCS custom fabrication ability allow us to build the right unit for your needs and application. Contact us today with your needs and let us work with you to solve your watering needs.
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